If the teacher taught,Why didn't the preacher praught?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Mr P's challenge 4

124. What outrages you? (Wake Forest)

Things that outrage me

People who wake me up in the morning.
Not being able to yell at them because I asked them to wake me up!
Waking up really early to finish my homework.
Generally waking up because of something, or someone.

Getting a bad grade on something I worked hard for.
Being compared to other smart kids in my grade.
Deleting an essay by mistake, and then re-doing the whole thing again.
Being late to a class, because the previous class finished late, and then getting into trouble for it.

Students who smoke, or drink to look cool.
Students who dress up like they are about to go to a fashion show on a school day.
Students who are extremely talented, because they make me feel bad about myself.
Teachers who favor these students.

My twin sister scoring higher than me in any test.
My cousins growing up and getting married, leaving me all alone with my childish habits.
My mom always falling for my twin sister’s trap to go shopping.
My dad forcing me to eat an egg in the morning.

My disability to do something because of fear.
Truth that leaves me fighting it.
Trying to hold in my tears, and failing at it.
Writing an essay on “things that outrage me”, without sounding angry, pessimistic, or depressed.

1 comment:

  1. Like it! I hate eggs in the morning, too! Its good. :)
