If the teacher taught,Why didn't the preacher praught?

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mr.P's Challenge 29

149. Once you have completed your education, would you return to your hometown to begin your adult life? Why or why not? (William and Mary)

My plans for the future changes everyday! The only thing that hasn’t changed is my desire to study in the United Kingdom. That is the thing that I am most certain about, but then again it is one of my dreams, and I don’t know if it will come true. I don’t even know where I am going to study yet and even if I did I am not sure if I will come back to my hometown. This decision is too far off in the future and I don’t think I should be thinking about it as yet. There are a lot of things that will matter while making this decision. If I get a better job offer in the U.K, I am pretty sure I will want to stay there. Then again I don’t even know where I am going to be in two years, I might just be studying in my hometown, who knows. This question looks too far ahead in the future and no one can ever know what will happen next.

I do, however, want to contribute in some way to my hometown. I have learnt so much from my hometown that I feel like I am in debt. I have to repay somehow, and if that means coming back for a little while and sharing skills that I have acquired I am ready to come back. At this point the only thing that I am thinking about is getting into a decent college. I haven’t really thought about my further plans yet, and I don’t think anyone should think about it, as it ruins the entire excitement of it all. I want it to just play out, I might have the time of my life or I might just hate every second of it, who knows. I just don’t think I should worry about it now, when I am anyway going to worry about it in the future.