If the teacher taught,Why didn't the preacher praught?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Personal essay

250. If animals could talk, what would your pet say about you?

I pamper my pet a lot. Oreo, my pet dog, loves me. If he could talk he would say that I am the most caring person in the entire family. I hardly ever hit my dog. I only hit him when he really crosses the limit, and that too is a slight pat on his back. My dog is supposed to not eat any meat, because my dad said so. He is a vegetarian. What my dad doesn’t know is that Oreo has already eaten left over meat. I kept this secret for him for really long. I usually cannot keep secrets for long but for Oreo I did it. My dog would also say that I am the most hardworking person in the house, because often Oreo sit near me as I do my homework.
Oreo would definitely say that I eat like a pig. I eat all the time. It is almost as if my hands have a mind of their own, because sometimes I don’t even realize how many candy bars I have eaten until I look down and see. When I sit down for dinner, lunch, or breakfast, I always throw down some food for my pet dog. I would actually prefer giving it to him in a better way than throwing it down, but if I do anything else I would be caught. He loves me. I love dogs and dogs love me. I hate cats because they are ugly and just so fragile. It is annoying. I talk to my dog a lot. I know he doesn’t understand most of what I am saying but I do it anyway. I am not the type who thinks that dogs are my sister or anything like that. They are just good entertainment for times when you are really bored. I love dogs.