If the teacher taught,Why didn't the preacher praught?

Friday, March 9, 2012

Should abortion be legal or not?

Central Argument: Abortion should be legal because it can save a life of misery for the baby and the parent.

Emily Rapp talks about the other side of abortion. She says that abortion should be legal. I completely agree with her. There are many reasons for this, one being the fact that I am a girl, and I strongly believe that every girl should have a right to her own body, and decisions regarding her body shouldn’t be made by the government.
When I heard about the number of teenage girls who were pregnant in United States of America, I was shocked. Going through pregnancy is not an easy thing to accomplish. Teenagers are very gullible, and they get carried away. The next thing they know is that they are pregnant. If they are not allowed to abort their baby, their life will not be normal. They will face a lot of difficulties. Instead of focusing on studies they will be raising a child. There will be more financial problems, which lead to really bad choices. The child will be born into a family which is having financial problems. The environment he is born in will also be bad. This is really unhealthy for the child. The bad environment might just influence him on doing drugs. There is no real benefit for the child even if he is not aborted. In fact it is better. Just like Emily Rapp’s son. It would have been better for her to abort the baby before he was born. He wouldn’t have suffered so much more when he is alive with all sorts of health problems.
Another reason for making abortion legal is population growth. The population just recently became 7 billion. This is not a small number. Population growth has a lot of problems that come along with it. There is a shortage of food, because of over consumption. Shortage of food leads to an increase in food prices. The poor people wouldn’t be able to afford expensive food, therefore there will be extreme poverty and malnutrition problems. Instead of going through all that it is better to just make abortion legal and keep it up to the people to decide if they want a child or not. Abortion directly has to do with the body of the girl or woman who is pregnant. Everyone’s body is their own private property. It is not fair for the government to decide what a person can do with his or her body. Even if the country is catholic they still do not have the right to tell others what they can do with their bodies. USA has a lot of freedom for it’s citizens. If they have had this kind of freedom from the very beginning, be banning abortion they are contradicting themselves. Also, there are many atheists who have absolutely nothing to do with religion, but a lot to do with abortion.
There are many reasons for making abortion legal. The biggest reason is protecting the child itself.  People should be practical about these laws. Religion shouldn’t be playing a huge role in something like this because the outcomes are not religious outcomes, they are social and economic outcomes. Abortion disrupts the life of human beings. It is a very personal issue, therefore the decision of abortion should be a personal decision not a state decision. 

1 comment:

  1. Both of your responses are quite good. I would say that writing about how shocked you were when you heard about pregnancy in the U.S. is a good idea. But it might be stronger if you write a sentence or two about what would happen in your home country.
