If the teacher taught,Why didn't the preacher praught?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Yemen Crisis

Protesters 'shot' for second day in Yemen capital Sanaa -BBC News
Date published: October 16th, 2011
Date accessed: October 17th, 2011

Ever since the Arab Spring, many african and middle-east countries have been considering a revolution. This is the same in Yemen. The 3 priviledged elite of Yemen, Ali Abdullah Saleh's family, the Ahmar family and leading army general Ali Mohsin have been competing for power. Ali Abdulla Saleh is the current President of Yemen. He has been President for the past 33 years. The other two families triggered protests all over yemen. Saleh has been avoiding calls from other western coutries, who want him to end his rule. On the way to the presidential palace, protesters were shot at by security forces. It has been confirmed that 4 died, and at least 37 are injured. Before this event protesters were shot at by the elite Republican Guard force, which is loyal to the president, during a march. In this attack 12 people died and 80 were injured. President Saleh has refused to sign the transition, which requires him to pass his power over to the vice president, in return for immunity from prosecution.

The Arab Spring, and this crisis in Yemen is very similar to the French, American and Hatian revolutions. Then it was the enlightenment ideals that set off the revolutions. History has repeated itself! This article shows us how society is always trying to make us conform to it. If someone goes against the system(government) they are put down and dealt with. Shooting protesters is a great example of that; if you go against the government, you will be fixed. Ken Kesey's novel "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" is all about society making humans conform to it. In the book McMurphy, a patient at the mental asylum, tries to change the system, so the Big Nurse (Nurse ratched) sends him to the labotomy ward and fixes him. It is like the japanese saying;"The nail that sticks out is hammered down."


  1. "As well as street protests, he faces an insurrection by renegade army units"
    1. Definition/origin - An act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established government. Originated from Late insurrectio(n-), from insurgere ‘rise up’.
    2. A insurrection by Woodstock school students is soon going to be necessary as the school has started to become very strict.
  2. "As well as street protests, he faces an insurrection by renegade army units"
    1. Definition/origin - a person or a group of people, who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles. It originated from Spanish renegado, from Medieval Latin renegatus, from Latin re+negare (to deny).
    2. Sometimes I am a renegade Indian during European history classes at Woodstock school, because I believe the British helped us more than they harmed us.
  3. “he later appears to renege on the deal”
    1. Definition/origin – It mean to go back on a promise or a commitment. Originated from medieval Latin, renegare.
    2. Woodstock school teachers always promise a lot of things but over time they renege on their promise and make up excuses for it.