If the teacher taught,Why didn't the preacher praught?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Mr.P's Challenge 7

2. Imagine that you have the opportunity to travel back through time. At what point in history would you like to stop and why? (Swarthmore)

When Isaac Newton was born I would stop my journey into history. I would find him and drop him from a big apple tree. He has ruined the lives of young and healthy teenagers who are living in the present. Maybe he didn’t intend it, but by destroying him before he creates calculus, I will actually be doing him, and all the children living today, a favor by saving him from our curses. Right now he must be in heaven looking down on us depressed, because most of the things he sees and hears about him, is about how he ruined our happy childhood.

Do you know why life is so easy, blissful, and picture perfect before we come to high school? It is because the law of Gravity (I think that is what it is called, I am not sure though!) and Calculus is not part or our lives yet. As soon as we reach high school, we make the epic mistake of taking physics and calculus, and from then on, life changes for the worse.

Even though I don’t take Physics or Calculus, (thank God!) many of my friends do. My poor friends struggle so much in these classes because of his creation and discoveries. I feel so bad when I see them suffering like that, and because I am a good friend, I would destroy Newton before he gets the chance to discover, create or invent anything. It is not fun to see my friends study late night about his creations while I get my sleep. It hurts me to see them suffering like that. Actually it isn’t that dramatic, but I think my point is clear.

For all the scientists out there, Newton is like God. Sure they have reasons to believe so. However I do not think that creating a whole new type of math was necessary to figure out what the universe looked like and how the orbits and everything worked. Why would anyone spend any time creating a type of math? Weren’t there more fun things for people to do back then? If there wasn’t I would travel back in time and introduce soccer, basket ball, American football, or anything else to keep them busy, especially Newton.  Okay an apple fell from the tree. Why did he have to think about that so much? If I was with him then I would distract him somehow, so that he doesn’t wonder why the apple fell to the ground instead of going up. Fall down, fall up, who cares! Why did he have to think about that so much? I would prevent mental torture of teenage brains if I could travel back in time.

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