If the teacher taught,Why didn't the preacher praught?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mr.P's Challenge 8

42. What are the responsibilities of an educated person? (University of Puget Sound)

I have been attending school since kinder garden all the way through middle school, and now I am in high school, trying hard to keep my grades up in order to go to college for further studies. I am an educated person, and with this precious talent I plan to help the other unfortunate people who don’t have this privilege.

As a fairly educated person, I think that helping the uneducated become educated, is our duty. This duty affects the growth of countries, and thinking. If more people are educated, there will be more efficient brains that the world can use. Therefore we should help make other peoples brains more efficient. One way to do this is by teaching what is taught to you, the other more indirect way is by promoting and sponsoring it.

Another huge duty of an educated person is, to not misuse the education that they have received, in other words, to not cheat and become corrupt. Let us take a lawyer as an example; his duty is to be fair, and not misusing his education to becoming corrupt. That is not improving the global community. As educated people we should be role models for the others. We should be fair, caring, and understanding. If educated people are only selfish, greedy, unjust, mean, and ignorant, then there will be no progress in the global community. Instead there will be hatred building up between the uneducated against the educated. Then this will lead to a rebellion eventually, which then will lead to some sort of a social reform, which means that we will have to change anyway. So we might as well get it right now, instead of going through that whole chain and learning it the hard way. So as educated people we need to be smart and avoid all this, by being ignorant and greedy we are not being smart. So therefore as educated people we need to be smart.