If the teacher taught,Why didn't the preacher praught?

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Mr.P's Challenge 2 #1

220. How money matters in your life

Many people say that money is not happiness. I think the people who say things like that either don’t have enough money or they don’t really know what to do with their money, because whether you believe it or not money is the only way to happiness. This might not be the most comforting thought, but it is the truth, and therefore we all have to live with it.

Money gets us things that we want because those things make us happy, and isn’t happiness something we all want? So when did money become a secondary source to happiness. People who disagree with my statement are big hypocrites. Everyone works for money, because money can buy everything. Money can also buy love. Since when did movie theatres or restaurants start serving your boyfriend or girlfriend for free? People who still think money is secondary they are a little carried away by the movies they PAID to watch in theatres. We need to come back to reality; money is everything.

Money matters the most in my life too. I am very particular about what I am spending my money on. I save money like my dad. I have a lot of his genes. My twin sister on the other hand spends money like there is no tomorrow. We are both on two extremes. My elder sister is in between these extremes. I also know that if I go to England for college and if I get a job offer there after college, I might stay if it is a good offer. If I get a better job offer in India then I will come back for sure. I don’t mind going anywhere as long as my economic profits look pretty.

Economical factors are the key to survival of anyone or anything. No decision, whether is is on a personal level or a state level or a national level is taken without knowing the economical consequences of it. Economics is priority and it will always be a priority in my life also.