If the teacher taught,Why didn't the preacher praught?

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Mr.P's Challenge 2 #2

232. Ten things you do when you procrastinate.

  1. I pretend like I am studying just so I feel good about myself.
  2. After a while of pretending I decide that I am hungry and that I need a break.
  3.  I go and cook myself some noodles or I make myself a sandwich.
  4. Then I think that if I eat while studying my book will get dirty, because I am really clumsy.
  5. So I go sit on my bed, and start watching something for entertainment. I don’t know why.
  6. After eating I realize that I haven’t finished watching the episode of Modern family. So I promise myself that after the episode finishes I will go back to studying (yeah right!)
  7. The episode eventually finishes and more compromises have to be made.
  8. Then I finally decide to stop watching Modern family. I think that I need help with my work, so I go to my friends’ rooms.
  9. I ask them one or maybe two questions at most, and then we start talking about other things.
  10. Then I am extremely tired will all the studying I did the whole day so I go to sleep. The next day I run around in a panic to get all my work done!