If the teacher taught,Why didn't the preacher praught?

Monday, January 16, 2012

Personal essay

229. Three wishes

I have a lot of wishes, hence it is hard for me to pick only three. My first wish would be to have another five wishes. If that is not allowed then my first wish is to eat as much as I can without ever getting fat. I love food. I live to eat all kinds of yummy and tasty food. The kind of food that is extremely fatty is my favorite; therefore it is really hard for me to be in shape. I am also very lazy, which makes this even more difficult for me. I am not very sporty because of the same reason.

My second wish would be to be really smart. If I am smart then I wouldn’t have to work that hard, because I can always think of the easy way out and still get the job done. When you have the brains one can do anything. I always wished that I would some day become a really successful and rich lawyer. My second wish fulfills my other two wishes. It is a good wish according to me. This way if I become really rich, I can donate a lot of money to poor and needy people in India.

My last wish would be to make sure that my loved ones are always safe and happy. It is reassuring to me when I know that everyone I love is happy and safe at all times. It gives me support, especially when I am away from home. I feel quite homesick when I am away from home and so knowing that everyone is happy back home makes me feel better. Although I still really wish that I have three more wishes, because I am never satisfied with what I have. I have almost always wanted more.