If the teacher taught,Why didn't the preacher praught?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

News Article


Pakistan is a fairly free and secular country compared to other Islamic countries such as Iran and Saudi Arabia. This is proven by the recent incident that took place in Islamabad where a television show crossed the line and enraged the citizens of Pakistan. A group of 15 women were searching a park in Karachi for dating couples who were engaged in immoral behavior. They were literally running after them in the park along with the camera man hurrying behind them. They asked couples questions which they had prepared before hand. Some of these questions were like “What were they doing”, “did their parents know”, “Were they engaged”. Many couples were shocked and tried to avoid answering any questions. One of the couples was married, but Maya Khan, the host, harshly asked them where their marriage certificate was. Four local Non-governmental organizations are filing a civil suit against Samaa TV in Pakistan’s Supreme Court.


My reaction to this then and now still is: Who the hell do these women thing they are? They have absolutely no right to intrude in other people’s business like that. The media cannot abuse their power and interfere in other people’s private life. That is against all law. This really crossed the line, and I completely understand the fury of the citizens of Pakistan. If I was with my boyfriend in that park, and if someone came up to me and asked me these funny questions I would insult them completely in their own show. I would be really pissed off. I probably would have thrown a shoe at them or something if they asked me a really personal question. Everyone is equal under the law. The media shouldn’t get special treatment. Why is it so hard for some people to accept change? I was angry to hear about this, but I was happy to hear that the people in Pakistan felt the same way about this as me. People should start accepting change because change can be good. I always wanted to see all the muslim countries slowly become a little secular but when people who don’t like change come in between, I get mad. 


1. Vigilantes:
  • Images of moral vigilantes prowling the streets have an ominous resonance in Pakistan, where many still recall the dark days of the Islamist dictator Gen.
  • Definition/Origin: One who takes or advocates the taking of law enforcement into one's own hands. Originated from Latin vigilārem meaning to keep watch
  • Sentence:  The teachers at Woodstock School also are the social vigilantes keeping watch on the student community.

2. Resonance:
  • “Images of moral vigilantes prowling the streets have an ominous resonance in Pakistan, where many still recall the dark days of the Islamist dictator Gen.
  • Definition/Origin: Having the character of a loud deep sound. Originated from Latin resonāre, meaning to resound.
  • Sentence: The resonance of joy and cheer of Woodstock students is felt in every nook and corner even during vacation.

3. Voyeuristic:
  • But others have veered into territory that could be described as Pakistan’s answer to Jerry Springer — voyeuristic, mawkish and intrusive.
  • Definition/Origin: of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a voyeur  or of voyeurism. Originated from Latin vidre, meaning to see.
  • Sentence: The girls of Woodstock know how to deal with voyeurs sometimes roaming in the buzzar.