If the teacher taught,Why didn't the preacher praught?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The best song ever!

"Why this Kolaveri di" by Dhanush and Anirudh. This song is really funny, especially when you are from South India!


This song has a lot of Tamil words in it. "Kolaveri di" means mad rage or frustration. "Soup boys" are boys who failed at love. "Soup song" is a song that talks about failed love. These are probably the only words that were really confusing. The song talks about a breakup basically, and how he is unhappy after the breakup while the girl has gets over it pretty fast. My favorite part of the song is when the drums come in very dramatically, loud and bold. I also like the part when Dhanush harmonizes in the background, with a very sad melody. This song makes me feel so sorry for the guy. It really does portray the guys frustration, and confusion. The side talks in the song is very funny and it immediately gets the audience engaged in the song. The other very interesting part of this song is the instruments he uses. The song uses very traditional instruments, which are usually played in wedding in south india. Therefore people in the south related to it. Others liked it because the instruments made it different. The side conversation doesn't have anything to do with the actual meaning of the song, so understanding it is not important. I have no idea what he wanted to say about the cows though. 


  1. Love the song's beat. But i really do not understand what the song is talking about. It keeps switching lyrics from loving a girl to milking cows. A brief explanation about the song would be great.

  2. I love the song. But i really dont understand the lyrics or the meaning of the song. A brief paragraph explaining the meaning of the song would be really helpful.
