If the teacher taught,Why didn't the preacher praught?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mr.P's Challenge 9

90. Describe a humorous experience you have had.

It was a long day in school, so my friend and I decided to head back to dorms. We had to take the longer route because the gate for the shorter route was locked. Both of us were extremely tired, as we were working late after school on an English essay, so there wasn’t much conversation between us. I was listening to my iPod, when all of a sudden two cars stopped abruptly right in front of us. We were both a slightly scared, because five men got out of the car. These men were big, old and fat. We thought they were going to kidnap us so we stopped walking ahead, but at the same we were trying to be cool and normal. What happened next is hard to put in words. These men looked fierce for some reason. Old, fierce men are really scary, and the ones that got out of the car looked somewhat like Narrator in the movie Amadeas, except they weren’t that old. I would guess they were in their late 50’s or early 60’s. They took one look at us and then all five of them walked in a hurry towards the school building wall. That wall is the boundary to our school. Then all five of them started unzipping their pants. Now I realized what was happening.
 If you have never been to in India, just so you know, urinating on roads is really common for men. These five men stopped to car to take a piss. My friend and I are both Indians so we understood what was happening, but we were extremely awkward. We didn’t know if we should keep walking because they were right in front of us and at the same time we didn’t want them to see us waiting for them to finish. My friend looked at me and smiled. That smile was soon going to become a very loud and contagious laugh. So I immediately held her arm and started walking ahead. We didn’t look at them when we were passing them. We both were controlling our laughter, and when we they were out of sight, we let all our laughter out. We laughed till tears started coming out of our eyes. This is one of the reasons why I love India. Sure, urinating on roads is gross, but where else can something this funny happen. As odd as it may seem, that made my day! There can be no other place something like this can happen to you, other than India.