If the teacher taught,Why didn't the preacher praught?

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Mr.P's CHALLENGE 30 (I look up to the sky ... I made it, I made it!)

What do you think people who know you would be surprised to learn about you? Limit your response to one page.(Rice University)

I am usually a annoying "control freak." I hate surprises. I am not spontaneous at all. I am for the most part independent. I will not cry during graduation. I dont like the concept of dating. I get sick of facebook after fifteen minutes. I am sure my parents will disagree with this statement though! Out of my three sisters i am the most studious and bold. There is only one thing that people might find surprising about me; i can be really calm during any form of crisis. My reactions to disastrous events dont really depend on other people's reactions. I can stay calm in the worst situations. Both my sisters are the opposite of me, but my elder sister at least tries to keep calm. I dont have to really try, i just dont panic. I dont panic with the crisis is at a bigger scale, i panic more at smaller crisis. For example if i didn't study for my history exam i would panic, but if something bad happens in my family i dont panic at all. I haven't yet figured out why. My friends will be suprised to find out about this, because if something is out of order they will expect me to break down and cry. I dont really do that. I am very composed during these critical situatons. This is the only surprising thing about me ar at least i thought so until i danced for a talent show at my school. The thing that surprised me is that people were surprised that i can dance. I didn't think they would be surprised to know that i am a pretty decent dancer. It was a surprise to me. They didn't think i knew how to do anything besided studying! I didn't know if that was a compliment or an insult!

1 comment:


    I am very impressed. Impressed that you finished the challenge ... and that you danced at talent show. Good job!
